Change password after / with signin

When the user has to change his password before he can signin.

URL: /api/auth/changePasswordAfterSignin

Method: POST

Auth required: No

Data constraints

"username": "[required | min: 1 | max: 190]",
"old_password": "[required]",
"new_password": "[required]",
"session_information": "[min: 1 | max: 190]",
"stay_logged_in": [boolean]

Data example with stay logged in

"username": "st.huber",
"old_password": "Password1234!",
"new_password": "SaverPassword1234!",
"session_information": "Firefox: 69; Mobile: true;",
"stay_logged_in": true

Data example without stay logged in

"username": "st.huber",
"old_password": "Password1234!",
"new_password": "SaverPassword1234!",

Success response#

Condition: Username and password is correct and account is activated.

Code: 200

Content example with stay logged in

"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJsdW1lbi1qd3QiLCJzdWIiOjMzLCJpYXQiOjE1NjkyNTQ0MzcsImV4cCI6MTU2OTI1ODAzN30.8fCp9Jdgbz8BotM6bW_OuRLb4Zl36YcKS9eo8pbVbwQ",
"session_token": "2XRq1yubqq53A347PcWLRVlOj1rArsvx5u4keovU1T20FG51vXyVzNU73K1RDBhh"

Content example without stay logged in

"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJsdW1lbi1qd3QiLCJzdWIiOjMzLCJpYXQiOjE1NjkyNTQ0MzcsImV4cCI6MTU2OTI1ODAzN30.8fCp9Jdgbz8BotM6bW_OuRLb4Zl36YcKS9eo8pbVbwQ"

Warning response#

Account not activated#

Condition: User account is not activated.

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "Account is not activated",
"error_code": "not_activated"

The user has to wait until his account is activated by an administrator.

Error response#

Username or password is wrong#

Condition: Username or password is wrong.

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "Username or password is wrong",
"error_code": "username_or_password_incorrect"

User does not need to change his password#

Condition: User tries to change his password after signin but does not need to.

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "User does not need to change his password",
"error_code": "no_password_change_needed_for_user"


A JSON Web Token is only for an hour valid. After expiring you can not use it anymore.