
User routes#

Get current logged in user profile#

Used to get the complete profile of the currently logged in user.

URL: /api/v1/user/myself

Method: GET

Auth required: Yes

Success response#

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Get yourself",
"user": {
"id": 33,
"title": null,
"firstname": "Stefan",
"surname": "Huber",
"username": "st.huber",
"birthday": "1999-04-19",
"join_date": "2019-06-15",
"streetname": "Luckystreet",
"streetnumber": "2",
"zipcode": 1234,
"location": "Vienna",
"activated": 1,
"activity": "active",
"force_password_change": 0,
"phone_numbers": [
"id": 103,
"user_id": 33,
"label": "Mobil",
"number": "+4312345678",
"created_at": "2019-06-15 15:51:24",
"updated_at": "2019-06-15 15:51:24"
"email_addresses": [
"permissions": [
"performance_badges": [
"id": 17,
"performance_badge_id": 1,
"instrument_id": 1,
"grade": "excellent",
"note": null,
"date": "2019-06-05",
"performance_badge_name": "Leistungsabzeichen 1. Bronze",
"instrument_name": "Drums"

Update current logged in user profile#

Used to update some specific informations of the currently logged inuser.

URL: /api/v1/user/myself

Method: PUT

Auth required: Yes

Data constraints

"title": "[max: 190]",
"streetname": "[required | max: 190 | min: 1]",
"streetnumber": "[required | max: 190 | min: 1]",
"zipcode": "[required | integer]",
"location": "[required | max: 190 | min: 1]",
"birthday": "[required | max: 190 | min: 1]"

Data example

"streetname": "NotSoLuckystreet",
"streetnumber": "2b",
"zipcode": 4321,
"location": "Graz",
"birthday": "1998-12-12"

Success response#

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "User updated",
"user": {
"id": 33,
"title": null,
"firstname": "Stefan",
"surname": "Huber",
"username": "st.huber",
"birthday": "1999-04-19",
"join_date": "2019-06-15",
"streetname": "Luckystreet",
"streetnumber": "2",
"zipcode": 1234,
"location": "Vienna",
"activated": 1,
"activity": "active",
"force_password_change": 0,
"phone_numbers": [
"id": 103,
"user_id": 33,
"label": "Mobil",
"number": "+4312345678",
"created_at": "2019-06-15 15:51:24",
"updated_at": "2019-06-15 15:51:24"
"email_addresses": [
"permissions": [
"performance_badges": [
"id": 17,
"performance_badge_id": 1,
"instrument_id": 1,
"grade": "excellent",
"note": null,
"date": "2019-06-05",
"performance_badge_name": "Leistungsabzeichen 1. Bronze",
"instrument_name": "Drums"
"view_yourself": {
"href": "api/v1/user/myself",
"method": "GET"


Used to get the homepage data of the currently logged in user.

URL: /api/v1/user/homepage

Method: GET

Auth required: Yes

Success response#

Code: 200

Content example 0.8.3 and higher

"msg": "List of your bookings, events and birthdays in the next month",
"events": [
"id": 3,
"name": "Test Event",
"description": "Mamma Mia",
"start_date": "2020-01-22 12:12:00",
"end_date": "2020-01-22 15:15:00",
"for_everyone": 1,
"decisions": [
"id": 133,
"decision": "Ja",
"event_id": 3,
"show_in_calendar": 1
"id": 134,
"decision": "Nein",
"event_id": 3,
"show_in_calendar": 1
"id": 135,
"decision": "Vielleicht",
"event_id": 3,
"show_in_calendar": 0
"dates": [
"id": 116,
"date": "2020-01-22 12:12:00",
"location": "",
"x": -199,
"y": -199,
"description": ""
"id": 117,
"date": "2020-01-22 15:15:00",
"location": "",
"x": -199,
"y": -199,
"description": ""
"already_voted": true,
"user_decision": {
"id": 135,
"decision": "Vielleicht",
"show_in_calendar": 1,
"event_id": 8,
"created_at": "2020-03-01 16:29:06",
"updated_at": "2020-03-01 16:29:06",
"color": "#fccb00",
"additional_information": null
"bookings": [
"movie_id": 13,
"movie_name": "Bohemian Rapsody",
"movie_date": "2019-09-24",
"amount": 2,
"worker_id": null,
"worker_name": null,
"emergency_worker_id": null,
"emergency_worker_name": null
"movie_id": 4,
"movie_name": "Wolf of Wall Street",
"movie_date": "2019-10-18",
"amount": 12,
"worker_id": null,
"worker_name": null,
"emergency_worker_id": 33,
"emergency_worker_name": "Dominik Dafert"
"birthdays": [
"name":"Harvey Specter",
"name":"Louis Litt",
"broadcasts": [
"id": 77,
"subject": "Long Broadcast",
"body": "Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!Long Message!\n",
"writer_name": "Maxi Man",
"writer_user_id": 1,
"for_everyone": 0,
"created_at": "2020-07-27T12:41:49.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-27T12:41:49.000000Z"
"id": 76,
"subject": "Maxi Woman",
"body": "Test message #1\n",
"writer_name": "Maxi Woman",
"writer_user_id": 1,
"for_everyone": 0,
"created_at": "2020-07-09T11:55:46.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-09T11:55:46.000000Z"
"id": 75,
"subject": "test777777777777",
"body": "test777777777777\n",
"writer_name": "Stephen King",
"writer_user_id": 1,
"for_everyone": 1,
"created_at": "2020-06-23T18:51:47.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-06-23T18:51:47.000000Z"

Content example 0.8.2 and lower

Everything as above but without the broadcasts array