
Manage event voting#

Vote for decision in event#

Used to vote for a decision in an event

URL: /api/v1/avent/vote

Method: POST

Auth required: Yes

Feature required: EventFeature

Data constraints

"decision_id": "[required|integer]",
"event_id": "[required|integer]",
"additional_information": "[nullable|string|max:128|min:1]"

Data example

"decision_id": 1,
"event_id": 3,
"additional_information": "I can only attend until 3pm."

Success response#

Condition: Decision and event exists

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Voting saved",
"user_decision": {
"id": 22,
"decision": "Ja",
"event_id": 8,
"show_in_calendar": 1,
"color": "#008b02",
"created_at": "2020-03-01T16:22:47.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-03-31T13:24:57.000000Z",
"additional_information": "I can only attend until 3pm."

Error response#

Event not found#

Condition: Event id was not found

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "Event not found",
"error_code": "event_not_found"

Decision not found for this event#

Condition: There isn't a decision with this id for the selected event

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "Decision not found for this event",
"error_code": "decision_not_found_for_event"

User already voted for this event#

Condition: The user has already voted for this event

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "User already voted for event",
"error_code": "already_voted"

User is not allowed to vote for this event#

Condition: The user is not in any group which is allowed to vote for this event

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "You are not allowed to vote for this event",
"error_code": "not_allowed"

Cancel voting for an event#

Used to cancel a voting

URL: /api/v1/avent/vote/{eventId}

Method: DELETE

Auth required: Yes

Feature required: EventFeature

Success response#

Condition: Event exists and user has voted for this event

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Decision for event removed successfully"

Error response#

Event not found#

Condition: Event id was not found

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "Event not found",
"error_code": "event_not_found"

User has not voted for this event#

Condition: The user has not voted for the event

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "There is no voting for this event to remove",
"error_code": "not_voted"