Movie worker

Manage movie worker#

Get movie orders#

Used to get reservations for the movies you applied as a worker or emergency worker

URL: /api/v1/cinema/worker

Method: GET

Auth required: Yes

Feature required: CinemaFeature

Success response#

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Booked tickets for your movie service",
"movies": [
"movie_name": "Bohemian Rapsody",
"movie_id": 13,
"date": "2019-11-16",
"orders": []
"movie_name": "Avatar",
"movie_id": 3,
"date": "2019-12-13",
"orders": []
"movie_name": "Wolf of Wall Street",
"movie_id": 4,
"date": "2019-12-14",
"orders": [
"user_name": "Peter Smith",
"user_id": 33,
"amount": 11

Apply for movie worker#

Used to apply for worker on a specific movie

URL: /api/v1/cinema/worker/{movieId}

Method: POST

Auth required: Yes

Feature required: CinemaFeature

Success response#

Condition: Movie exists, movie not shown already and there is not already another worker

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Successfully applied for worker"

Error response#

Movie not found#

Condition: Movie was not found

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "Movie not found",
"error_code": "movie_not_found"

Worker already applied#

Condition: There is already a worker for this movie

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "There applied a worker already for this movie",
"error_code": "worker_already_applied"

Movie already shown#

Condition: Movie was already shown

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "Movie already showed",
"error_code": "movie_already_shown"

Sign out for worker#

Used to apply for worker on a specific movie

URL: /api/v1/cinema/worker/{movieId}

Method: DELETE

Auth required: Yes

Feature required: CinemaFeature

Success response#

Condition: Movie exists, movie not shown already and you are the worker

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Successfully signed out for worker"

Error response#

Movie not found#

Condition: Movie was not found

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "Movie not found",
"error_code": "movie_not_found"

No worker found for this movie#

Condition: There is no worker for this movie

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "No worker found for this movie",
"error_code": "no_worker_found_for_movie"

You are not the worker for this movie#

Condition: You are not the worker for this movie

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "You are not the worker for this movie",
"error_code": "not_the_worker_for_movie"

Movie already shown#

Condition: Movie was already shown

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "Movie already showed",
"error_code": "movie_already_shown"

Apply for movie emergency worker#

Used to apply for worker on a specific movie

URL: /api/v1/cinema/emergencyWorker/{movieId}

Method: POST

Auth required: Yes

Feature required: CinemaFeature

Success response#

Condition: Movie exists, movie not shown already and there is not already another emergency worker

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Successfully applied for emergency worker"

Error response#

Movie not found#

Condition: Movie was not found

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "Movie not found",
"error_code": "movie_not_found"

Worker already applied#

Condition: There is already a worker for this movie

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "There applied a emergency worker already for this movie",
"error_code": "worker_already_applied"

Movie already shown#

Condition: Movie was already shown

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "Movie already showed",
"error_code": "movie_already_shown"

Sign out for emergency worker#

Used to apply for worker on a specific movie

URL: /api/v1/cinema/emergencyWorker/{movieId}

Method: DELETE

Auth required: Yes

Feature required: CinemaFeature

Success response#

Condition: Movie exists, movie not shown already and you are the emergency worker

Code: 200

Content example

"msg": "Successfully signed out for emergency worker"

Error response#

Movie not found#

Condition: Movie was not found

Code: 404

Content example

"msg": "Movie not found",
"error_code": "movie_not_found"

No worker found for this movie#

Condition: There is no emergency worker for this movie

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "No emergency worker found for this movie",
"error_code": "no_worker_found_for_movie"

You are not the worker for this movie#

Condition: You are not the emergency worker for this movie

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "You are not the emergency worker for this movie",
"error_code": "not_the_worker_for_movie"

Movie already shown#

Condition: Movie was already shown

Code: 400

Content example

"msg": "Movie already showed",
"error_code": "movie_already_shown"